Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Benefits of Using Essay Samples Online

Benefits of Using Essay Samples OnlineIf you have a creative or well rounded personality, you might be one of the people who prefer to write an essay on any subject related to engineering or science. However, for those who are not quite gifted in this field, there are some useful essay samples available to them.There are many Cornell Engineering Essay samples available online, which allow students to write an essay as well as ask questions pertaining to their chosen subjects. These online resources provide easy to understand explanations about engineering topics that allows them to get through the problems with ease. You can submit your essays online without having to worry about formatting or writing the whole thing on a piece of paper. Instead, you can simply input the topic, number of pages required, and various other criteria that will determine how much time you have to write the essay.One of the best things about these essay samples is that they come with sample essays. The bes t part is that you are provided with all the materials needed to write an essay without having to find them anywhere else. These come ready to use and make use of. In fact, there are many other samples that can help you with certain topics.Some of the essay samples that come with the resource provide extensive information about writing essays. For example, if you want to write an essay on teaching, you can do so by accessing the resource. It will give you an explanation on the method of teaching that will help you write the most excellent essay possible. The most important thing about these resources is that they will help you write the essay at a faster pace than anything else, which will make it easier for you to learn about the science.Another benefit that comes with the essay samples is that they will answer a lot of the common problems that students face. For example, students who are short of time can use these resources. This is because the samples are able to provide complet e explanations about topics that can be tricky to understand. For example, if you wish to write an essay on Electricity, you can find the right material within the sample. You do not have to be someone who is a genius to figure out what each subject is about.These essay samples can also help you in writing your own essay. This can be helpful if you are not sure about how to approach the topic. If you find it difficult to understand the whole idea, you can go online and see examples of how to approach the topic. You will then be able to make use of the resources and guide you in writing your own essays.All in all, there are a lot of benefits that come with the essay samples. You may have to do a little bit of research to find them. However, by using one of the resources, you will have the maximum benefit out of it.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

How Technology Has Shaped The World Of Business We Know...

Introduction Technology’s evolution has shaped the world of business we know today. It was absolutely necessary, just a few decades ago, to be present in a physical work place for one’s occupation; being if that occupation involved an office. Today, a company of two hundred people can be run from all remote locations. This is thanks to virtual teams, with the use of varying applications of course. According to Harvard Business Review, a â€Å"virtual team† is a team made up of members all in different physical locations (Ferrazi). Although not one hundred percent effective, technology is continually evolving and is making this concept more available and popular among businesses. As this team-concept has become popular, I continue to meet more people whom have participated in such. In an attempt to understand these team atmospheres further, and the communication involved, I interviewed two people who are currently managers of their own virtual teams; the first was Meredith and second was Jerome. For this paper, I will examine each of these interviews and then compare the two. Asking five questions to both, there were many similarities between the two; and also a few surprising moments. Let’s take a look. The Interviews Meredith is an advisor at Southern New Hampshire University, and she heads the division for students whom are employed full-time. This role requires her to lead a virtual team, along with her boss, using multiple platforms to do so. This is a differentShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Technology In Education1232 Words   |  5 PagesTechnology has been evolving over thousands of years and it has provided humans with education, better health care, and communication that is the key to making our world a better place for future generations to come. 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Although humans had been migrating to different areas since they could walk, it was these voyages that opened up the entire world to all people. Trade, globalization, intermingling of races, science, technology, religion, and people discovering new lands are all a product of these initial voyages. Christopher Columbus, with the backing of Isabella andRead MoreEssay about Time And Technology996 Words   |  4 PagesRESEARCH QUESTION How did telecommunications advance from the end of the 1800’s to the end of the 1900’s ? THESIS Telecommunications have revolutionized business and communication between people. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Since the beginning of time communication has always been a crucial part in our societies for development. Without communication there was no or little development, people did not know what was out there, and what was available. It is communication that has developed our large

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Feminism Challenges Male Domination Of The Institutions Of...

2. Feminism challenges male domination of the institutions of law and the state. Discuss. Feminism is the firm belief in economic, social and political equality of the sexes. The controversy regarding the status of women ages back to the Ancient Greeks. Plato believed that If women are to have the same duties as men, they must have the same nurture and education?’. Plato sought to evaluate the true and unquestionable duty that women play in society and to abolish the perception that one sex is weaker than the other. Feminists tend to be of the opinion that, historically, the law was written from a male’s perspective and does not represent a women’s role in the regulation of society. Women have since played a key and crucial role in the development of the state and the restructuring of the law. The structure, philosophy and terminology of the law were created by the male gender and in turn, support male beliefs. According to Margaret Davies, the Feminist Legal Theory was ‘usually taken to mean a critique of law generated internally to legal scholarship by feminist layers’. Feminism arose due to the fact that the male gender dominated the public and private spaces with regards to employment, government and education. There was a power inequality between the two genders. In other words, the world was known as a man’s world. Through this, the Feminist Legal Theory was developed in which the main objective was to achieve gender consistency, uniformity and justice throughShow MoreRelatedPatriarchy And The Liberation Of Women1679 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction The word feminism is defined as a broad political agenda which implies a commitment to equality between the sexes and a commitment to gender as a focus of concern and to analytic approaches that reflect women’s concrete experiences. Feminists such as Katherine Bartlett define it as ‘a family of different perspectives or frameworks used to analyse the actual, and the desirable relationship between law and gender.’ However, it is not just equality of the sexes being sought by feministsRead MoreRadical Feminism Versus Liberal Feminism1931 Words   |  8 Pagesextension of feminism into theoretical and philosophical discourse. They aim at understanding of the nature of gender inequality .They in turn examine women’s social roles and life experiences .While in general some provide a critique of social relationships .Most feminist theories also focus on analysing gender inequality and the promotion of women’s rights, interests and issues .Among such the ories are the Liberal feminism and the Radical feminism theories. While Liberal and Radical feminism both seekRead MoreThe Debate Of Feminists And Cultural Relativists1712 Words   |  7 Pagesphilosophical traditions, human rights are understood to be universal and objective (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948), an understanding that poses unique challenges when imagining human rights in the 21st Century. Over the last fifty years, critique of human rights discourse has evolved into discrete areas, which include feminism and cultural relativism. Feminists and cultural relativists often take opposing positions, with cultural relativist views seen as dominant over feminist discourseRead MoreEssay on Modern Feminism and Violence Against Women2367 Words   |  10 Pagescentury has seeing many progresses for women across the world. Prehistory showed that women could not vote, educational institution excluded them, and work outside the home was limited. Women today live long er and are more educated, enjoy more job opportunities, and earn a little higher salary. However, we still live in a world were society is run by religious laws, customs, and male dominances. These traditions and customs still limit women mobility and women are still regarded as subordinate to menRead MoreThe Combahee River Collective3937 Words   |  16 Pagesfeminist lesbian group, wrote this very famous manifesto that became essential for the Black Feminism Mouvement. They made as central the total recognition of the different forms of oppressions, sexual, racial, social, that black women endure and the necessity to fight against them. Therefore, the integration of notions of gender, sexuality, race, class in any feminist analysis that deals with power and domination become unavoidable. They express clearly the logical result of their struggle, the destructionRead Moreto what extent is feminism a single doctrine? Essay1895 Words   |  8 Pagesï » ¿To what extent is feminism a single doctrine?    Until the 1960s, feminism was widely regarded as a sub-set of liberalism and socialism, rather than as an ideology in its own right. Today, however, feminism can be considered a single doctrine in that all feminists subscribe to a range of ‘common ground’ beliefs, such as the existence of a patriarchal society, and the desire to change gender inequalities. Then again, it can be argued that feminism is characterised more by disagreement than consensusRead MoreHegemonic Masculinity2123 Words   |  9 Pagesin social inequality in Australian schools. â€Å"Towards a new sociology of Masculinity† critiques male sex role literatures and proposed a model of multiple masculinities and power relations. The gramscian term hegemony was current at the time in attempts to understand the stabilization of class relations. Before the women’s liberation movement, a literature in social psychology and sociology about the male sex role had recognized the social nature of ma sculinity and the possibilities of change in men’sRead MoreEssay about Ecofeminism4924 Words   |  20 Pagesperspective on the interconnectedness of social systems of domination and the domination of non-human nature. It recognizes the cultural and political links between ecology and feminism. Ecofeminism is a value system, a social movement, and a practice. It criticizes the mainstream green movement and challenges the fundamental ideas of the western patriarchy about women, nature science, and development. Ecofeminism is an admixture of ecology and feminism. A French feminist, Francoise dEaubonne, first usedRead MoreGender, Sex, and the Challenge of Feminism2690 Words   |  11 PagesGender, sex, and the challenge of feminism As with considerations of race, feminism raises issues for political philosophy not only deserve several book-length treatments (rather than the chapter section it will get here), but also arguably should infuse all aspects of political thought. Feminists have plausibly claimed that considerations of gender and gender-related inequalities play a role in the most basic dynamics of social life – in the structure of families, defining identities and opportunitiesRead MoreThe Second Sex : The Fight Against Women s Oppression2230 Words   |  9 PagesBertrand de Beauvoir simply referred to as Simone de Beauvoir was a French intellectual, writer, political activist, existentialist philosopher, social theorist and feminist born in 1908. Often subscribed to the schools of Existentialism, French Feminism and Western Marxism, she did not regard herself as a philosopher even though she is heralded for her significant influence of feminist theory and feminist. In her literal journal, Bea uvoir wrote monographs and autobiography on philosophy, social

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Qualities and Advance Leadership Principles †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Qualities and Advance Leadership Principles. Answer: Introduction: In the discussion paper, I would like to draw the attention of the readers about the different aspects or qualities that a leaders must have in them. I personally believe in the term resurgent virtues. It says about the important qualities in the leaders that they must build within themselves to make the professional places smoothly going. The word faith has some important meanings in the workplace. The employees must have the proper faith on their leaders so that they can work efficiently without any fear. I believe this is very important because the natural flow of work would be destroyed if the employees work in fear. The employees can follow a proper technique that would allow them to work very smoothly by the approval of their leaders. Another important thing in this case is the faithfulness of the employees. This is generally a two way process. A very significant aspect in this scenario is the fact that the employees must show the faith to their seniors and he or she must have faith on their leaders as well. This will make the process smooth flowing. The employees must have the trust, belief and commitment on the leaders so that the process can be better in all aspects. Then comes the matter of customer satisfaction. The customer faith and loyalty comes into consideration when the matters of organizational performance are seen through proper lens. My opinion is the three matters related to the company performance are faithfulness of the stakeholders, trust and loyalty is very crucial indeed. There is a serious issue of disjunction between the words faith and faithfulness. This question can be raised in terms of the company performance and the loyalty of customers, employees and leaders. If the leaders can motivate the employees properly, this will boost up the performance of the employees in the positive ways. The employees will feel attached to the company and they will perform better in the future as well. Another important aspect is the individual faith in this context. I am of the opinion that the difference between the public realm and private realm should be seen as the different things indeed. It is the matter of the individual persons on how they will see this matter of faith. The religious issues of faith and organizational issues related to faith should be seen distinctively. There should be a strong separation between the religious activities of a person and public activities as per my viewpoint. The name of the second article is Leadership i.e. written by Rudolph W. Giuliani. This article deals with the positive aspects of the leadership. I think it is very important for a great leader to connect with the great people all the time and surrounded by them as well. This would be beneficial for all the leaders since they would get the best ideas and concepts in the modern organizational context. I believe it is very important to have a better teamwork between the colleagues to yield the best results. This article discusses about the greatest disaster in America i.e. the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York. All the people had been greatly moved by this incident. This had completely destroyed the mindset of all the people in New York. I think the terrorists had done the most evil crime the world had ever seen on that day. No one could accept it. One of the greatest issues that had been faced by the government is the patronage by the politicians. This had completely b een elemental for the leadership across the country. The politicians used to give the jobs to the people who supported them in the political sphere and this had become the normal criteria for getting the jobs. I always think this is not all a clear and sound exhibition of the leadership in the country. I think the best promise for the politicians would be to provide the common people with all the necessary facilities if he gets elected. The development they carry out for the regions should be the only criteria to elect them. They should show the common people what good leadership actually is. I believe all of us should be able to judge our strengths and weaknesses. This will surely enhance our capabilities to practice it to the best limits. The leaders have to show their potential in the best ways. They have to show the people the level of guidance they can provide for their good. The great people should guide all of you to attain your objectives ion life. If I need proper help in concerned areas I am not acquainted with, I must go and ask the help from them. If they can guide me I will also try to do the same with them. The business management in the modern world is full of various issues and challenges. The managers will have to several issues in their businesses indeed. The competition in the modern business environment has become a huge issue. This is why the business managers will have to apply the positive aspect of the teamwork in the modern business management. They have to focus on the proper team building according to the skills of the employees. It is very important that the employees are able to showcase their talent in the most positive ways. The managers are aware of the challenges that they will be facing so they have to build their teams focusing on the kinds of challenges they will have to undertake in certain tasks. This article focuses on the team building designs of the various companies like Ford and General Motors. I believe they used to build their teams to invent their new models of cars. However, it is a matter of concern that the companies like PG has gone back to the times of individual accountability to develop their new designs and products. I believe that the efforts of team building would surely improve the performance of the employees and the business organizations. The new team-building campaigns should be launched by the companies to support and motivate the employees to a great extent indeed. I think the managers are focusing on building the teams from only one perspective. However, these three kinds of the teams are the baseball team, football team and tennis doubles team. These teams would be effective in different perspectives of the organization in many aspects. These teams have different limitations, the working style of these teams is different and they are vulnerable in different areas indeed. The demands from these teams are different as well. So I think it would only be effective for these three teams to work independently and achieve their targets individually. The motor car companies like Detroit and Ford had focused on the traditional mass production. I believe they faced some problems during their approach to individual accountability. This problem could only be solved if they used the team building process in their organizations. As Detroit had taken up the baseball team strategy, they had to construct the team all over again and shift their strategy to the football team. Thuss the team building becomes important. This article deals with the different perspectives of the leadership across the organizations in the modern era. Some of the important elements that I would like to highlight in this segment are the systems thinking, judgment of the leaders, proper leadership and broad-band capability. This would be highly important for the process of leading employees. One very important aspect in this scenario is the fact of the metaphor or frog and the bicycle. If a person wants to be the successful leaders he or she will have to distinguish his or her roles properly and complete them in the right manner. A great and successful leader will surely have the capabilities to shift and change the systems as it is needed. This will help them to overcome the barriers that they have been facing then. The managers will have to understand this bike and frog system in order to understand the change and shift in the systems. These two can be considered as two different systems indeed. The managers should have the proper capacity to make the distinction between these two systems of the bikes and frogs. I believe the managers approach this way of systems thinking in different manners. The managers will be assesses about their capacity of taking the judgments in the best ways. I believe this frog and bike tool has taken a huge place in the management and leadership systems in Australia. The bike system is kind of opening up all the parts of the bicycle and reassembling the parts after mending all the broken parts. Thus the entire system can be changed for the better outcomes. However, in the case of frog system the entire system can be made worse if the parts are taken out. This would leave a great hollow in the centre for the management system. It is up to the leaders which part they would like to employ for the benefits of the organization. I have noticed that most big organizations conform of these bikish and frogish systems. Some parts and processes can be mad be tter by rearranging the processes. In other cases the system can be affected badly if the frogish things are being implemented. This will affect the core process of the organizational systems. I believe the managers will have to implement the changes properly to gain the competitive advantage. It is the global leaders who make the changes in the working dimensions all over the world. I believe the leaders are the most critical figures who make much difference when we go out to work. The main role of the leaders is to motivate the employees in the best ways. When I am working for an organization, it is the organizational leaders who would motivate me for achieving the objectives. The leaders will have to show their strategies and implement those strategies to meet the vision of the companies. This can only be done if the leaders can motivate the employees in the best manner. The role of emotionally motivating the employees will also work as a very important thing as well. The leaders may have different works like providing the employees with the proper motivation or creating strategies for success. The entire success of the leaders depend on the ways how they implement it. The leaders might get all the things right just as they want it but the problem will arise if they are not able to drive the employees through the emotion. In this article, the example of closure of a new news division for BBC had been provided to understand the issue properly. The executives turned up to mitigate the problems in the best ways. This had been very important in this context since the executive approached the journalists with a proper emotional way. This had impacted the journalists in the positive way. He made them understand the practical aspects of journalism in all the constraints. He told them the good sides of journalism and the ways they could get the best jobs indeed. It is very true from my side that leaders are the pivotal people who play a very essential role in the engaging the employees for a better future and performance. The emotional aspect has to be brought into the scene. If the leaders can handle their emotions they will be able to drive the employees towards performing better. This could yield better business results for everybody. They could stay committed to their work by the emotional motivation of their leaders. This will be the positive impact of the primal dimension of the leaders on their employees. Thus the organizations would be able to enhance their work performance. Bibliography Banks, R. and Powell, K., 2000. Faith in leadership. Drucker, P. (2012).Managing in a time of great change. Routledge. Giuliani, R. W. (2002). with Ken Kurson.Leadership. Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R. E., McKee, A. (2002).The new leaders: Transforming the art of leadership into the science of results(p. 14). London: Little, Brown. Mant, A. (1999).Intelligent leadership. Allen Unwin.